Ch.6 Dimension

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vector space is finite-dimensional if it has a basis with only finitely many vectors

space Rn\mathbb{R}^n has a basis with nn elements so is finite-dimensional
space of all polynomials has infinitely many dimensions
will assume finite-dimensional spaces from here

Example of a infinite-dimensional space

The space of all polynomials has infinite dimensions because you can have a polynomial with as high of a degree as you want, with no limit

For any finite-dimensional space, all of its bases have the same number of elements


differs from textbook proof
take a vector space, choose one B=β1,...,βnB=\langle \vec{\beta}_1,...,\vec{\beta}_n\rangle that has minimal size
a different basis D=δ1,...,δnD=\langle \vec{\delta}_1,...,\vec{\delta}_n\rangle has to have at least nn elements
We must show it cannot have more than nn elements
Suppose DD has an n+1n+1th element and is linearly independent
Then the only solution to a1δ1++an+1δn+1=0a_1\vec{\delta}_1+\cdots+a_{n+1}\vec{\delta}_{n+1}=\vec{0} is all ai=0a_i=0
Now, represent the vectors of DD in terms of BB
RepB(δ1)=(c1,1cn,1)  RepB(δn+1)=(c1,n+1cn,n+1)\text{Rep}_B(\delta_1)=\begin{pmatrix}c_{1,1}\\\vdots\\c_{n,1}\end{pmatrix}\text{ }\cdots\text{ }\text{Rep}_B(\delta_{n+1})=\begin{pmatrix}c_{1,n+1}\\\vdots\\c_{n,n+1}\end{pmatrix}
The linear relationship a1δ1++an+1δn+1=0a_1\vec{\delta}_1+\cdots+a_{n+1}\vec{\delta}_{n+1}=\vec{0} should still hold even after substituting the representation. This gives the linear system
which has n+1n+1 unknowns and nn equations. This must have infinitely many solutions for (a1,...,an+1)(a_1,...,a_{n+1}), but that contradicts the earlier statement that the solution that all ai=0a_i=0, therefore, there must not be an n+1n+1th element.

The dimension of a vector space is the number of vectors in any of its bases

In nn-dimensional space, a set of nn vectors is linearly independent iff they span the space
should be intuitive

Space and Rank

(rowcolumn)\begin{pmatrix}\textcolor{#F79256}{\text{row}}\\\textcolor{#F79256}{\text{column}}\end{pmatrix}space is the span of the set of its (rowcolumn)\begin{pmatrix}\text{row}\\\text{column}\end{pmatrix}
(rowcolumn)\begin{pmatrix}\textcolor{#F79256}{\text{row}}\\\textcolor{#F79256}{\text{column}}\end{pmatrix}rank is the dimension of the space, i.e. the number of linearly independent (rowcolumn)\begin{pmatrix}\text{row}\\\text{column}\end{pmatrix}

If matrix ABA\sim B by row operation, row spaces are equal
The rows in BB are linear combinations of rows in AA, so rows in B[A]B\in[A]
non-zero rows in a echelon form matrix are linearly independent \rightarrowforms a basis
Gauss's Method produces a basis for the row space of a matrix

solution exists iff constant column vector is in the column space of the coefficient matrix

Example 6.1

Consider this reduced echelon form matrix
The row space is the span of the first two rows:
{a(10210)+b(01132)|a,bR}\left\{a\begin{pmatrix}1\\0\\2\\1\\0\end{pmatrix}+ b\begin{pmatrix}0\\1\\1\\3\\2\end{pmatrix}\middle|a,b\in\mathbb{R}\right\}
Those two column vectors also form the basis

Example 6.2

Consider the linear system

This can be represented as x(21)+y(13)=(c1c2)x\cdot\begin{pmatrix}2\\-1\end{pmatrix}+y\cdot\begin{pmatrix}1\\3\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}c_1\\c_2\end{pmatrix} This has a solution if (c1c2)\begin{pmatrix}c_1\\c_2\end{pmatrix} is a linear combination of the two vectors, i.e. the constant column vector is in the column space of (2113)\begin{pmatrix}2&1\\-1&3\end{pmatrix}

transpose of a matrix changes its rows and columns Aij=AjiTA_{ij}=A^T_{ji}
The basis of the column space can be found by row reducing the transpose

Example 6.3

The basis for the colum space of the matrix
can be found by taking the transpose
then row reducing
Then transpose back
The basis is
So the span is R2\mathbb{R}^2

For any matrix, row rank equals column rank
in reduced echelon form, row rank equals number of leading entries, which equals column rank
since theyre the same, its called the rank

For linear systems with nn unknowns and coefficeint matrix AA, the statements

  1. the rank of AA is rr
  2. the vector space of solutions of the associated homogeneous system has dimension nrn-r

are equivalent


(1) iff rr leading variables, which is true iff there are nrn-r free variables \rightarrow (2)

In an n×nn\times n matrix AA, the statements

  1. the rank of AA is nn
  2. AA is nonsingular
  3. rows form a linearly independent set
  4. columns form a linearly independent set
  5. any linear system whose matrix of coefficients is AA has exactly one solution

are equivalent


  1. last column contains a pivot: inconsistent, no solutions
  2. every column except the last contains a pivot: unique solution
  3. the last column and some other column(s) does not contain a pivot: infinitely many solutions